National Hate Crime Awareness Week takes place from 14th – 21st October 2023. Hate Crime Awareness Week is a national week of action to encourage communities affected by hate crime, local authorities, police forces and other key partners to work together to tackle local hate crime issues.

The core value of the week is to stand in solidarity with those affected by hate crime, to remember those we have lost, and support those who need ongoing support.

What to do if you’ve experienced hate crime

At Citizens Advice Bury & Bolton we stand against hate crime in any form – we’re here for anyone who has been subjected to a hate crime or incident. 

We are a registered hate crime reporting centre and our staff can also provide advice and tell you where to get more information and support. 

What is a hate crime? 

A hate crime is a criminal offence motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation and transgender identity. 

Hate crimes can take many forms, including physical attacks, threats of attack and damage to property. The penalty for a crime is more serious if it’s a hate crime. 

It’s still a hate crime if someone made a mistake about your identity. For example, if they attacked you because they thought you were a Muslim, but you aren’t. 

  • Hate crimes include: 
  • Physical assault 
  • Damage to property 
  • Offensive graffiti 
  • Arson 

What is a hate incident? 

If you experienced something that wasn’t a crime, but you think it was motivated by prejudice against you it’s a hate incident. If you’ve experienced abuse and you think it’s because of your age, the police may treat this as a hate incident. 

Hate incidents include: 

  • Verbal abuse, insults or taunting 
  • Offensive leaflets and posters
  • Abusive gestures
  • Bullying at school or in the workplace

If you experience more than one hate incident by the same person or group of people, this might count as harrassment. Harassment can be a crime. For example, it might be harassment if someone on your streets keeps shouting abuse at you. 

What to do if you’ve experienced a hate crime? 

You can report it to the police if you’ve:

  • Experienced a hate crime or incident 
  • Seen a hate crime or incident happen to someone else 

It’s often worth reporting it to the police even if you don’t think it’s very serious. Sometimes small hate incidents can lead to more serious ones. 

We can give you advice if you’re not sure whether you want to report a hate crime to the police, or if you’re not sure what evidence to include in your report. 

If you don’t want to go to the police, as a hate crime reporting centre we can refer hate crime to the police on your behalf, keeping your details anonymous if you wish.

Please Note

Our Bury Drop-in will be closed from 1pm on Tuesday 23rd July 2024.

Our Bolton office will be closed on Fridays 26th July 2024.

Should you require advice, you can reach our advice line service on 0808 278 7804.

Emergency contact details for local authorities in both Bury and Bolton are as follows:

Bolton –

Bury –

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

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